Sunday, December 29, 2019

Was Albert DeSalvo the Boston Strangler

The Boston Strangler operated in the Boston area during a two-year span in the early 1960s. The Silk Stocking Murders is another epithet given to the same series of crimes. Though Albert DeSalvo confessed to the murders, many experts and investigators have doubts about his involvement in the crimes. The Crimes Beginning in June 1962 and ending in January 1964, 13 women were killed in the Boston area, mainly by strangulation. Most of the victims were found with their own nylons wrapped several times around their neck and tied with a bow. The murders occurred generally twice a month, with a brief respite from the end of August to the first week of December  1962. The victims ranged in age from 19 to 85 years of age. All were sexually assaulted. The Victims Most of the victims were single women living in apartments. No sign of breaking and entering was evident and investigators deduced that the victims knew their attacker or his ruse was sufficiently clever to allow him to gain admittance to the home. DeSalvos Arrest In October of 1964, a young woman reported that a man claiming to be a detective tied her to her bed and began to rape her. He suddenly stopped, apologized, and left. Her description helped police to identify DeSalvo as the assailant. Several women came forward to accuse him of accosting them when his picture was released to the newspapers. His Childhood Years Albert Henry DeSalvo was born in Chelsa, Massachusettes on September 3, 1931. DeSalvos father beat and abused his wife and children. By the time he was 12, DeSalvo had already been arrested for robbery and assault and battery. He was sent to a correctional facility for a year and worked as a delivery boy upon his release. In less than two years, he was readmitted to the facility for car theft. Army Years After his second parole, DeSalvo joined the army and did a tour in Germany. This is where he met his wife. He was honorably discharged for disobeying an order. He reenlisted and was accused of molesting a nine-year-old girl while stationed at Fort Dix. The parents declined to press charges and he was again honorably discharged. The Measuring Man After his discharge in 1956, DeSalvo was arrested twice for robbery. In March of 1960, he was arrested for burglary and confessed to the Measuring Man crimes. In this series of crimes, DeSalvo would approach good-looking women posing as a fashion model recruiter. He then fondled the victims under the pretense of taking their measurements with a tape measure. Again, no charges were filed and he spent 11 months on the burglary charge. The Green Man After being released, DeSalvo allegedly began his Green Man crime spree, so named because he dressed in green to commit sexual assaults. He is reputed to have raped over 300 women (as many as six a day) in four states over a two-year period. He was arrested in November of 1964 for one of these rapes and remanded to Bridgewater State Hospital for evaluation. Was Albert DeSalvo the Boston Strangler? Another inmate, George Nassar, turned DeSalvo into the authorities as the Boston Strangler in order to collect the reward that was offered for information concerning the stocking murders. It was discovered later that Nassar and DeSalvo made a deal that part of the reward money would be sent to DeSalvos wife. After being identified by Nassar, DeSalvo confessed to the Boston Strangler murders. Problems occurred when the only survivor of the Boston Strangler failed to identify DeSalvo as the attacker and insisted that George Nassar was her attacker instead. DeSalvo was never charged with any of the Boston Strangler murders. Famous lawyer F. Lee Bailey represented DeSalvo on the Green Man crimes, for which he was found guilty and received a life sentence. DeSalvo was stabbed to death by another inmate in Walpole Prison in 1973.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Challenges And Possible Solutions Of Educating...

Identify a Topic in Your Specialization Blanco says, â€Å"Poverty is everyone’s problem. It cuts across any line you can name: age, race, social, geographic or religious. Whether you are black or white; rich, middle-class or poor, we are all touched by poverty.† The purpose of this assignment is to explain why I want to research the challenges and possible solutions of educating children that are living in poverty, what I know about my topic, the obstacles or biases I may have based on past experiences, as well as the reason that my topic will keep my interest during the Capstone Project. Why I Want to Study This Topic Recently, I attended a workshop called â€Å"Spreading Humor Through the World of Education† in Lexington, SC. The featured speaker was Gerry Brooks. He was speaking on the topic of positive school climate and culture. He said in so many words, â€Å"If there is one thing we should take from the workshop, it is â€Å"to get to know your students†. I connected with this message immediately. As, a professional educator, I know that before I can teach my students or work with any adult I must know my audience well enough to know that they are ready to learn. The reason I want to study this topic is because I work at a Title 1 school where we have a high poverty rate. I want to research current solutions regarding the challenges of educating children of poverty and to provide an optimal learning experience. What I Already Know or Presume about This Topic Many children thatShow MoreRelated Special ed is not a Scandal Essay730 Words   |  3 Pages94-142. It is because of this laws effect on the school system and the impact that it left in the history of special education that I chose to write about it. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gender and Women StudyHypothetical Letter

Question: Write a hypothetical letter to a relative that explains the meaning and value of Orientalism and Othering, drawing on texts by the following authors:Said, Abu- Lughod, HSU-Ming Teo, and Mikdashi. Focus specifically on gender and sexuality issues. Make sure your letter has a thesis (Your thesis is something that you should be able to defend with clear and sound supporting evidence; therefore, it is best to avoid a thesis that is grandiose, universalist, transhistorical, or overly general). [Note: you may fabricate a relative to convey this knowledge to someone with whom you feel an affinity but who may or may not be aware of the terminologies and politics surrounding it.? Answer: Hope this letter finds you in good health. Recently I have taken an interest in understanding what Orientalism is after coming across the term in a social context. I would like to share my views with you in this letter and would like to express my opinions on a specific aspect related to Orientalism. Orientalism is a common term used by literary, scientists and cultural studies scholars for the representation of features in South Asian, Middle Eastern, South African and East Asian cultures. These are mainly the eastern cultures. The depictions are usually done by the people from the western world. According to Said, Orientalism is the patronising western attitude towards the North African, Middle Eastern and Asian societies. In the analysis taken up by him, he states that the western world essentializes the Eastern societies as emergent and stationary. This fabricates a view of the Oriental culture that can be a good topic for taking up analysis and studies. According to the author, the western society is rational, developed, superior and flexible. Orientalism refers to several things and all of them are interdependent. It is factual that the term of Orientalism is not favoured by specialists today since it is general and indistinct and it denotes the high-handed executive attitu de of the early twentieth century and nineteenth-century European colonisation. Orientalism can be discussed and the analysis of Orientalism can be done in relation to the corporate institution. In short, Orientalism is the western style for robust restructuring (Mikdashi). From my understanding of what Orientalism is and what the main aspects of this term are, I find the matter of gender and sexuality issue as quite interesting and worthy of discussion. In this respect, I have the standpoint that representing, constructing and knowing self and other is reflective of and shaped by the construction of racial difference and gender differences. I would like to justify the standpoint I have. There lie privileges of certain femininities and masculinities attached to racialism. Violence against women are racialised and in this is reflected the differences between us and our world. There crops up a sense of egalitarian in this differences. The logic of orientalism is particularly and inherently gendered. It is moreover refracted through social constructions of what it counts as a difference between man and woman. As logics of othering, Orientalism and gender function side by side to create the world and the people living in it. For example, there lies a distinction between barbaric other men, oppressed Muslim women, and civilised western men. Muslim women have typically been represented as wholly oppressed, functioning as a homogenous other for a range of Western Selves to be defined against. At the same time, such representations render the Other inherently backward and barbaric. The veil in particular has become a central ico n in orientalist discourses that define the experiences of Arab and Muslim women (Abuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Lughod). In movies of the eastern world, romantic heroes and heroines have set the benchmark for physical traits and casts. Physical traits determine the casting choices have been taken up for distinguishing between hero and villain. Ethnic and racial stereotypes are rigidly fixed and qualities like hair color and skin tone are taken up as the denotions. Blonde women are casted as the pure ones and the brunettes are casted as vamps. Moreover, dark skin implies contamination (Teo). So long fior now. I would like to know what your views and opinions are regarding this subject. Hope to get a reply from you soon. Bye. XX References Abuà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Lughod, Lila. "Do Muslim women really need saving? Anthropological reflections on cultural relativism and its others."American anthropologist104.3 (2002): 783-790. Mikdashi, Maya. "Gay Rights as Human Rights: Pinkwashing Homonationalism."Jadaliyya (ezine), December16 (2011). Said, Edward W. "Orientalism: western conceptions of the Orient. 1978."Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin(1995). Teo, Hsu-Ming.Desert Passions. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2012. Print.