Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Evaluating the Sole Proprietor

Question: Discuss about the Evaluating the Sole Proprietor. Answer: Evaluating the Sole Proprietor The first time I came to Melbourne, the Sole Proprietor, I was determined and open minded to find out whether it has been a threat to XYZ restaurant or not. My objective was to evaluate and compare their services to those of XYZ and know whether the restaurant was a competitor or not because since it was opened, XYZ restaurant has dropped off business wise. My first time to be in this new restaurant, I noted that the place was good and a nice place to hang out especially with friends. The environment was cool and quiet: it was a place where everyone would love to visit and have some meal. It is true to say that the prices of the new restaurant were quite high compared to those of XYZ. When I ordered fish fillet, I realized that it was twice the price of XYZ restaurant. After discovering that the price of the fish fillet was higher than in XYZ restaurant, I was curious to know the prices of other foods. I went through the menu and discovered that the trend was the same. It is true tha t most foods in the new restaurant were expensive compared to those in XYZ restaurant (XYZ Restaurant, 2017). Even though the place was beautiful, the prices were not friendly to me considering that my salary is not that good. According to me, the food was not affordable to a common person, for example, students or people with low income. Since I was doing some research, I had to visit the new restaurant for the second time, this time I went with a friend to make sure that my findings were true and she could notice what I was observing in the restaurant. I have to admit that the workers in the restaurant responded in time and they were very welcoming. When we were at the gate of the restaurant, there was someone at the gate to direct us where we wanted to go since the restaurant was big and there were different sections for different activities. The waiter did not take the time to attend to us, and she was quick to offer us the menu so that we could decide on what we wanted to take. Comparing this to XYZ restaurant, I would say waiters take the time to respond to customers who come to the restaurant. Other than taking time, they are not welcoming or friendly to customers unless when the manager is around. The new restaurant had active workers, and they were there to explain what type of meals they offered in case some one did not understand the menu. After the waiter had come, my friend and I decided to take fish and French fries for dinner because it was on a Friday. I was keen to see how long the meal would take in the kitchen before it was served to us. The waiter was clear that the meal was not ready, but they would prepare it very fast for us. I asked her to be specific with time it would be ready and she said it was for around 30 minutes; therefore we had to wait and see whether it was true. I was surprised to find that the meal was ready by the time 30 minutes were over. Employees were active to ensure that everyone in the restaurant was comfortable. After the food was brought, everything was on point, and the food was yummy and delicious (The Sole Proprietor, 2017). I was also impressed with the kind of communication that exists between workers and the manager. When there was a problem in the restaurant, employees like the waiters were quick to inform the manager (Spaho, 2013). For example, one of the couples who was seated next to my table complained that the waiter had taken long to respond to them after they had ordered their meal and the manager come to apologize to them. I can say that the new restaurant values money and they understand that every coin counts in business. The manager was not rude to the waiter. Instead, he asked her to apologize to the customer. Employees in the new restaurant seem to be experienced, and they understand what they are doing in their work. In conclusion, it is right to conclude that the new restaurant is a threat to XYZ restaurant. The type of food they sell is delicious and yummy making everyone feel the need of coming back the next time. Although the restaurant was busy on the day that we went with my friend, we were served at the right time. References Spaho, K. (2013) Organizational Communication and Conflict, Management, 18, pp. 103118. The Sole Proprietor (2017) The Sole Proprietor | Voted Worcesters Best Seafood Restaurant. Available at: https://www.thesole.com/ (Accessed: 2 April 2017). XYZ Restaurant (2017) XYZ Restaurant I Southwest Harbor, Maine. Available at: https://www.xyzmaine.com/ (Accessed: 2 April 2017).

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